Saturday, May 28, 2011

A True Inspiration (Reflective Piece)

After a spectacular day of hiking at The Cape Point, and group picture time, our group had the opportunity to listen to Alison Alexander’s personal story, a native South African who grew up in a township.  Alison has an incredible life story, and I am so thankful and honored that she took the time out of her schedule to share with us her personal story.  She grew up with multiple siblings and actually was one of the only girls her family to make it completely through grade school.  At a young age, Alison had a vision to reach out to others and desired to make a difference in the world.  However, she had set expectations from her parents.  Both her mom and her dad wanted her to stay at home and start a family right after grade school.  Even the South African Government prevented Alison from pursuing her vision, as women during this time were prohibited from going to any University.  Alison had hoped to go to a University to become a social worker so she could reach out to children by providing them with the tools to build lives outside the townships.  Although she never actually went to a University, she still managed to follow through with her hopes and dreams.  Alison developed a non-profit organization called The Rainbow House, which houses about 12 abandoned, abused, and neglected children.  She shared with us some of the stories about the children she has cared for in her houses, and let’s just say that no child should have to live in the terrible conditions that were discussed. 
            Needless to say, she has a very rewarding, but difficult profession.  I admire her work ethic and her compassion to help others.  Her motivation to care for these children is an incredible gift and it has allowed me to realize how blessed we all are to have people like Alison in our world.  I also respect the fact that she fought for what she believed in, which was a greater life for herself.  I can’t imagine this was an easy step in her life, but I can tell that she is happy with how her life has played out, and she even mentioned that she wouldn’t change one thing about her organization.  She sees it expanding within the next couple of years, however she truly believes that she has developed a place that incorporates all of her values and follows her set vision.  On top of that, Alison has developed an organization that teaches children “bible based values.”  Just by listening to her story, I could tell that she is a strong Christian woman.  On top of her leadership skills and heart of compassion, I also admire her sense of faith.  This part of her story definitely made me question if I am living my life to its fullest.  On our long bus ride to our African Safari site, I popped in my ipod and took some time to reflect about my own life.  It still hasn’t hit me that I am in a new country because of the fact that we have not been fully exposed to the lifestyle of those who live in the townships.  Our entire week has been filled with site seeing, and although we have been provided with background information on the culture of South Africa, I am not sure I feel ready to enter the “east side” of the country.  I assume no one feels entirely prepared to enter a new culture, which is a little reassuring, but still intimidating.  I guess you could say that I am scared of feeling vulnerable.  I am the kind of person that puts on a smile even when I am feeling distressed.  I have had multiple opportunities on mission trips to be exposed to impoverished areas and it has made me realize how much I take for granted.  After taking three leadership courses, I want to go into this week having an open mind and also having the mindset that it is okay to feel vulnerable.  On a bigger level, I hope to build a relationship with my host family.  I want to gain a clear understanding of what it is like to live below standards, and explore what kind of life passions and values my family holds.  Alison’s story in particular has inspired me to really look at my life passions and to even examine myself as a person.  It amazes me that someone like Alison, having very few resources to begin with, can make such a huge impact on others.  I have all the resources in the world, and yet I take them for granted every day.  My mission is to take risks this week, explore my own passions and values, and put them to the test. 

Thanks for reading:)  Much love.


  1. So did you fulfill your mission of taking risks and exploring your passions this past week? What did you one up with? It's nice to meet people like Allison who can remind us of what life can truly be about.

  2. Kendall- This is so awesome. I'm so excited that you get to meet some amazing people and step out of the comfort zone! I know that you can handle anything that God brings your way. Just keep trusting in Him and He will grow your heart more than you ever thought possible! I can't wait to read more :D
