Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Big Picture

It is my last week in Cape Town, South Africa, and I seriously cannot believe how fast this trip has gone.  Our last week here is somewhat more laid back and there is a lot more free time to fill in with fun things I want to do, like shark diving!  I may or may not get in the water, but I still think it will be an awesome experience to see sharks swim up right by the boat.  Yesterday, our group took a ferryboat to Robben Island.  For those of you who don’t know what Robben Island is, it is an Island that was used for imprisonment in the mid 1600’s.  In the 19th Century, the apartheid government used it as a prison for criminals and political leaders, like Nelson Mandela.  It was later turned into a hospital for mentally ill women, and the last prisoner was released in 1991.  The Island is now used as a historical monument, where people can take tours around the island and walk through the prison.  I think my favorite part of the tour was when we had the chance to see where the prisoners, like Nelson Mandela, were forced to work during the day.  They worked in what was called, “The Limestone Quarry,” chipping away at big pieces of limestone, which then was used to make most of the roads on the island.  The tour guide told us that this was significant place because most of the prisoners at this time were those like Nelson Mandela, who were imprisoned for their political views.  This place then was used as a political space where all the prisoners would discuss their views, which eventually worked to their advantage as they negotiated their release.  I just think that is incredible :)
            On a completely different note, I have been thinking a lot about how I can apply the information I have learned and experienced into my daily life.  I have learned a lot about myself, and if anything this trip has helped me to put things in perspective.  When I get home I really want to focus on building those relationships that are most important to me.  In Gugulethu, you can tell that the people in the community value taking time out of their day to spend with their loved ones.  I too value my relationships with my family and friends however; I now feel more than ever, that relationships need to be mutually beneficial.  I look forward to going back home and spending quality time with the people I love :)

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